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The Consumer Handbook on Tinnitus (2nd edition)

With the understanding that 70 percent of people who suffer from Tinnitus can usually be helped, some dramatically, by a wide variety of treatment options, Richard S. Tyler, PhD wrote The Consumer Handbook on TINNITUS. His own scientific work on tinnitus spans 36 years and in his book Dr. Tyler has also invited leaders from around the world on the cutting edge of tinnitus research to present their knowledge to help you find answers. These include physicians, psychologists, and audiologists writing from experience in their specialty area of tinnitus.
(Author; Richard S Tyler (2016), Hard cover, 273 pages)


  • Gain knowledge of the many common causes of tinnitus
  • Understand common reactions and problems faced by other sufferers
  • Recognize how communication difficulties are related to tinnitus
  • Read about how tinnitus affects sleep and what you can do
  • Understand your reaction to loud sounds
  • Discover different ways you can change your reaction to tinnitus
  • Provide ways to increase the quality of your life
  • Find out where help is available
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The Consumer Handbook on Tinnitus (2nd edition)
The Consumer Handbook on Tinnitus (2nd edition)