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On the Fence

Get a rare inside look at a virtually invisible population. Deaf writer Mark Drolsbaugh, who grew up hard of hearing, has brought together a group of 37 talented writers who share their remarkable stories and poems. Together, they shed light on the hard of hearing experience and what it means to be on the fence-hovering somewhere between the deaf and hearing worlds.

Stereotypes are smashed as each writer shares a unique perspective that may radically differ from the others. You'll find an ASL advocate in one chapter, while in the next there's a cochlear implant advocate. Don't let the diversity fool you; while no one is exactly the same, deep down we all share one common goal. Find it in this book. [Mark Drolsbaugh; (2007) 228 pages; soft cover]

  • Communication methods and preferences
  • The importance of belonging
  • Bluffing one's way through work, school and family events
  • The two words hard of hearing people absolutely hate to hear
  • Hard of hearing CODAs (Children of Deaf Adults)
  • Tips and strategies for effective communication
  • A faith healing experience gone awry
  • Stories from hard of hearing grade school, high school and college students
  • Deaf and late-deafened people who also spent time as "fencers"
  • Turning adversity into triumph
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On the Fence
On the Fence