ListenTALK is a two-way mobile communication system offering a personalized solution in environments where hearing is difficult, where it is at home, work, school or other settings. ListenTALK is more than a transceiver, it's an all-in-one device that facilitates communication and collaboration among two or more people in any setting with coverage up to 328 feet indoors and up to 656 feet outdoors. ListenTALK takes less than a second to set up and pair!
- Ideal for one-on-one and group settings
- Flexible: The push of a button delivers two-way talk and collaboration while easily configurable on the fly. Simple, yet sophisticated, effortless collaboration
- Simple: Groups can easily be configured on-the-go, thanks to Near Field Communication (NFC) by tapping the leader’s transceiver
- Secure: Encryption technology ensures privacy in conversations
- Reliable: It always works with low interference, operates full duplex in the 1.9GHz band (not the crowded 2.4GHz space)
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