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The Passionate Lives of Deaf and Hard of Hearing People

Karen Putz was born with normal hearing, grew up hard of hearing and became deaf as a teen. She wanted to be a nurse. A college counselor discouraged her from this path, telling Karen it would be too hard to communicate with doctors and patients. Years later, Karen met doctors, veterinarians, engineers, pilots, authors, CEOs, and yes, even nurses, and all of them were Deaf or Hard of Hearing.

In her book, Karen introduces all of these people living full passionate lives - without the full sense of hearing.

Karen is thankful she didn't become a nurse. Instead she's a Passion Coach, author, speaker and barefoot water skier. She serves on the board of Hands & Voices and Illinois Hands & Voices and is the Director of Deaf and Hard of Hearing Infusion. [Karen Putz; (2014) 188 pages; soft cover]
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The Passionate Lives of Deaf and Hard of Hearing People
The Passionate Lives of Deaf and Hard of Hearing People