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Bellman & Symfon Visit Care Home Alerting Solution

All-in-one home alerting with door notification, phone notification and flashing alert

Family and friends play a big part in our lives and it is important to stay in touch with the ones we care about the most. Bellman & Symfon offers a proven solution for those of you who sometimes have difficulty hearing the doorbell or when the telephone rings.

The Bellman & Symfon Care is a complete home alerting solution for people who sometimes have difficulty hearing the doorbell. It includes a powerful flash receiver can be connected to your telephone and an intelligent doorbell button transmitter. Place the Push Button Transmitter outside your home as a doorbell, once someone presses the button it sends a wireless signal to the Flash Receiver. The Flash Receiver, placed in another part of the house (living room, bedroom, etc.), then produces bright flashing lights to let you know that someone is waiting outside your door. Connect a telephone line to the Flash Receiver and be notified of incoming telephone calls.


  • Flash receiver (HC-VISIT/FLSREC)
  • Push button transmitter (HC-VISIT/PBTR)

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Two year warranty
Bellman & Symfon Visit Care Home Alerting Solution