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ASL Handshape Series: 2 Index Fingers Vol. 2

This new DVD will help you gain skills in how to recognize, translate and express words, phrases, idioms and sentences using 2 Index Fingers; from basic to most advanced - 130 unique examples. When you include Vol 1, DVD476, there are thousands of ASL, words, idioms and sentences expressed using 2 Index Fingers for nearly an hour of intensive training. You will learn from a teacher that trains qualified and retrains certified interpreters and teachers who instruct at colleges.


  • Learn hard-to-find ASL Classifiers
  • Clear and easy-to-follow Bilingual training with large prints and indexes
  • Superb for preparing for ASL interpreting performance tests and ASL Proficiency Interviews (ASLPI / SCPI)... etc.
  • ASL signs as seen and used in Deaf Community
  • Learn from Deaf ASL Professor
  • Excellent for interpreters, families, teachers, counselors and more

DVD has no audio for training purposes. (69 minutes, UPC 123456789152)


this brand new DVD will be packaged in an eco-friendly DVD sleeve to help customers save money. Each disc is clearly labeled for your convenience. The picture shown above is for illustration only and is not printed on the customer DVD copy.

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ASL Handshape Series: 2 Index Fingers  Vol. 2