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Through Deaf Eyes

History Through Deaf Eyes-a landmark photographic exhibition on nearly 200 years of United States deaf history-drew more than 415 000 visitors during a national tour at the Smithsonian and 12 other U.S. cities from 2001 to 2006. Presented by the Smithsonian Institution and drawing heavily on Gallaudet University's extensive archives, the exhibit showed the experiences of American history from the perspective of deaf citizens. Its popularity prompted the production of the video documentary, Through Deaf Eyes, for national broadcast on the Public Broadcasting System. Now, the photographs, quotes and stories from this remarkable exhibit and documentary have been assembled in a book of stunning beauty and poignant images.

Containing more than 200 color photographs, Through Deaf Eyes: A Photographic History of an American Community depicts the story of Deaf America and affords readers the opportunity to learn about the nation's broader history. The values and judgments of society have had an impact on the education, employment, and family life of deaf people, while historical eras often can be illuminated by examination through a Deaf lens. Photographs reveal the character of Deaf people in school settings, the workplace, during wartime, and using their cultural signature, American Sign Language. For both deaf and hearing readers, the Deaf community portrayed in Through Deaf Eyes offers a unique and fascinating perspective on the value of human difference. [Douglas C. Baynton, Jack R. Gannon, Jean Lindquist Bergey; (2007) 168 pages; hard cover]
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Through Deaf Eyes
Through Deaf Eyes