Improve your ASL interpreting skills with a variety of signing models from young children to high school settings. Each DVD includes skilled interpreters to show you how. [Sign Enhancers: 9 DVDs] DVDs not returnable once opened.
Includes Practice with Deaf Children series:
- 10-year-old Storyteller (DVD5A): match affect of dramatic storytelling!
- Deaf Children Signers (DVD5B): practice with children ages 9-19.
- More Deaf Children Signers (DVD5C): improve your skills with young children ages 5-11.
- Even More Deaf Children Signers (DVD5D): get ready for middle school with children ages 11-14.
- Still More Deaf Children Signers (DVD5E): prep for high school ages 13-18.
Includes Educational Interpreting series:
- Elementary School Lecture: Interpreting (DVDINT-EL): improve your ASL interpreting for on-the-job, VRS and certification.
- Elementary School Lecture: Transliterating (DVDTR-EL): prepare to transliterate for classrooms, VRS and certification.
- High School Lecture: Interpreting (DVDINT-HS): improve ASL grammar and use of space with high school lecture.
- High School Lecture: Transliterating (DVDTR-HS): learn to apply ASL features to processed transliterating.
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